Welcome to “Climbing Lava”

Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

Words by Fiona Whitehead

This blog has been incubating for a while. I wanted to share my experiences of stepping out of my comfort zone. But in what format?  And would anyone be interested?  How many of my experiences were worthy of an entire blog post/podcast/vlog?  Would I run out of content in a matter of weeks?

Then I had 5 weeks of enforced rest and recuperation.  Otherwise known as time to read, think and plan.

What if I created a blog?  What if rather than just my own stories I shared experiences from other people?

What if on my return to work I asked colleagues if they wanted to share their stories?

What if I was humbled by the generous and open responses?

The answer to those last questions is this blog.

Climbing Lava is all about what happens when you step out of your comfort zone. Some of the stories will be mine, but mostly they will be other people telling their story to me and allowing me to share it.

Stepping out of your comfort zone can take many forms, and means different things to different people. One person’s small step is another person’s huge leap. Already I have been privileged enough to hear stories from across the spectrum.

Benefits of leaving your comfort zone can include discovering skills and resources you did not know you had. It can enable you to have new experiences. These new experiences may be growth opportunities. You may discover a new thing that brings you joy. Of course, you may just learn that whatever you tried is not for you, but even that is a learning! Many people have written about why getting out of your comfort zone is a good idea.

I hope you enjoy my different slant, where you can read about real life experiences of taking that step.

PS – If you have a story to share please contact me via the form on the contact us page.

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